Vietnam, Ha Giang
English | Tiếng Việt

Uncle Ho’s special birthday celebrations

16:44, 15/05/2024

BHG - Since 1946, when newspapers in Hanoi announced for the first time that Uncle Ho’s birthday was May 19, 1890, whenever it came, Vietnamese compatriots, comrades and international friends all extended their deepest sentiments and best wishes to the beloved president.

1946 — the first year Uncle Ho’s birthday was celebrated

On May 19, 1946, representatives of Hanoi’s children and self-defence force as well as 50 southern representatives arrived at the Tonkin Palace to wish Uncle Ho happy birthday.


Moved by the sentiments of Vietnamese compatriots and comrades, he said “I do not deserve your care because I’m still a young man. At 56, I do not deserve your longevity wishes. It is only because reporters know my birthday that you are bothered. Up to now I have been your man, and from now on I will still belong to you. I pledge to remain loyal to the fatherland. I promise you that I will work hard and I hope for your closer collaboration.”

Uncle Ho’s birthday celebration at Viet Bac

The birthday anniversary at the Viet Bac Revolutionary Base in 1948 was an unforgettable memory for Uncle Ho. Several days earlier, comrade Loc, whose real name was Nguyen Van Ty, passed away due to malaria. Loc was Uncle Ho’s cook as well as his close comrade and friend.He was engaged in revolutionary activities with Uncle Ho in Thailand and China, and then followed him back to Vietnam. That was why Uncle Ho’s birthday anniversary took place silently.

On the early morning of May 19, 1948, Uncle Ho’s attendants brought him a bouquet of wild flowers for his birthday. When receiving the flowers and wishes, Uncle Ho said in tears: “Thank you very much. I suggested using these flowers to pay homage to comrade Loc.”


So Uncle Ho spend his birthday celebration that year talking about an example of loyalty to the Party, a man who had been working for the Party all his life, without personal calculations.

Birthday celebration coincides with Dien Bien Phu Victory

After the nine-year resistance war with considerable hardships and sacrifices, our people and armed forces had clinched great victories, with the pinnacle being the Dien Bien Phu Victory in May 1954. Coinciding with the occasion of Uncle Ho’s birthday, the victory was an invaluable and special gift presented by our army and people to Uncle Ho. This was perhaps the happiest birthday anniversary in Uncle Ho’s life.

Also on the occasion of his birthday, Uncle Ho gave a treat to exemplary soldiers in the Dien Phu Campaign. On the morning of May 19, 1954, a delegation of five outstanding soldiers in the Dien Bien Phu Campaign had the opportunity to report their feats to Uncle Ho and attend his birthday celebration. He told them to study a lot to enhance their educational level to serve the people and the revolutionary.

Uncle Ho wrote an absolutely confidential document on his birthday anniversary

Uncle Ho’s birthday anniversary in 1965 was a very special occasion when he was 75 years old. He appeared to have anticipated the harsh law of life that anyone has to go through. So he began writing his testament for the whole Party, army, and people.


On Monday, May 10, 1965, at his office in the Presidential Palace Complex, he penned the first lines of an “absolutely confidential” document at 9am — the most beautiful time of the day.

According Uncle Ho’s private assistant Vu Ky, during four years from May 10, 1965 to May 19, 1969, he spent a total of 28 dayswriting his testament, at a rate of two hours and a half each day.

1969 – Uncle Ho’s last birthday anniversary

On the early morning of May 19, 1969, President Ho Chi Minh still got up early as usual and tried to do basic exercises. Early in the morning, he received the children of his attendants, who came to wish him a long life. At 9 am, he sat back to his desk to review and revise the testament.

On 2:30 pm, he wrote a letter of commendation to a children cooperative in Phu Man Village, Ham Son Commune, Yen Phong District, Ha Bac Province, for their achievements in tendering to cattle.

On the same day, he sent a photo of his portrait to the officials and people of Nghe An Province. Below the photo, he wrote “Officials and Party members must set example in their work, must devote themselves to serving the people.”

Uncle Ho’s birthday in 1969 took place normally like his other working days and no one could think that it was his last.

Celebrating Uncle Ho’s 134th birth anniversary (May 19, 1890-2023), we vow to continue stepping up the movement to study and follow his example, striving to fulfil the assigned tasks successfully and deserving to be the people’s servants and Uncle Ho’s children.