Vietnam, Ha Giang
English | Tiếng Việt

Ha Giang praises outstanding individuals and groups in studying Uncle Ho’s example

13:53, 21/05/2024

BHG - Ha Giang Province recently held a conference to honour exemplary individuals and collectives in the movement to study and follow the example of President Ho Chi Minh as well as outstanding village Party secretaries in 2024.

Chairman of the Ha Giang People’s Council Thao Hong Son presents the Prime Minister’s certificates of merit to two collectives and one individual with excellent achievements in studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s example.
Chairman of the Ha Giang People’s Council Thao Hong Son presents the Prime Minister’s certificates of merit to two collectives and one individual with excellent achievements in studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s example.

The whole province currently has 1,899 village Party secretaries and 172 neighbourhood Party secretaries, who act as a bridge between the Party, State and people in implementing local political tasks.

In recognition of their contributions to all aspects of life, the provincial Party Committee has decided to praise and reward outstanding individuals and collectives in studying and following Uncle Ho’s example.

Under the authority of the Prime Minister, provincial leaders presented the Prime Minister’s certificates of merit to one collective and two individuals.

The Chairman of the Ha Giang Provincial People’s Committee presented certificates of merits to 15 collectives and 29 individuals, while 134 village and neighbourhood village Party secretaries were also honoured on the occasion.

Speaking at the conference, Chairman of the Ha Giang People’s Council Thao Hong Son asked the local Party committees to continue taking measures to enhance their leadership and combat capacity.

He also called for aligning the content of studying and following Uncle Ho’s example with grasping the core content of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s works.