Vietnam, Ha Giang
English | Tiếng Việt
Ha Giang improves quality and competitiveness of cooperatives Ha Giang improves quality and competitiveness of cooperatives
BHG - According to statistics as of the end of June 2024, Ha GiangProvince has 900 cooperatives with 11,166 members. Of which, 731 cooperatives are operating and 169 cooperatives have ceased operations.
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Transport Ministry considers upgrade of National Highways No.34 and No.280 through Ha Giang
14:29, 26/08/2024
BHG - The Ministry of Transport has just sent a document to the delegation of National Assembly (NA) deputies of Ha Giang Province in response to the petition from Ha Giang voters which was sent to the NA before the 7th session of the 15th NA.
Tha Culture and Tourism Village recognised as tourist destination
10:19, 16/08/2024
BHG - The Tha Culture - Tourism Village in Phuong Do Commune, Ha Giang City was recently recognised as a tourist destination, according to Decision No. 992 issued by the Provincial People's Committee.
Ho Thau develops medicinal plants
08:04, 13/08/2024
BHG - Ho Thau commune (Hoang Su Phi) has an average altitude of over 1,000 m above sea level, with a cool climate all year round, very suitable for the growth of medicinal plants. Realising this as a great potential for economic development, the commune has focused on encouraging, mobilising, and guiding people to expand the area of medicinal plant cultivation to increase income and become rich.
Launch of first pharmaceutical cosmetics brand using Shan Tuyet tea
09:05, 07/08/2024
BHG - Thanh Son Co., Ltd., based in Phuong Do Commune, Ha Giang City, has just launched Sancha — a pharmaceutical cosmetics brand using extracts from Shan Tuyet tea.
Digital transformation boosts development goals
21:57, 20/07/2024
BHG - Ha Giang Province has focused digital transformation on three pillars, including digital government, digital economy and digital society, thereby achieving many important results and gradually meeting development goals, as the province identifies digital transformation as a breakthrough solution and a key task of Party committees, authorities, organisations, businesses and people, to promote socio-economic development and ensure national defence and security.
Ha Giang ranks third among Northeast and Northwest provinces in attracting foreign visitors
22:26, 14/07/2024
BHG - According to statistics from Ha Giang Provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the province welcomed 1.690 million visitors in the first half of 2024, ranking 7th among 13 Northeast and Northwest provinces.
Additional 3.5 trillion VND allocated for Phase 1 of Tuyen Quang-Ha Giang Expressway Project
18:49, 04/07/2024
BHG - At the 7th Session of the 15th National Assembly, on behalf of the Government of Vietnam, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc presented the government's proposal on the use of the general contingency of the medium-term public investment plan funding in the central budget for the 2021-2025 period, corresponding to the increase in central budget revenue for public investment projects in 2023.
Efforts to createfavourable, green and sustainable investment environment
14:29, 17/06/2024
BHG - Ha Giang recorded five out of ten component indicators of the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) and the Green Index (PGI) in 2023,with increases in points. This was a vivid demonstration of the drastic, dynamic and creative direction from the authorities at all levels, in improving the investment and business environment and building an environmentally friendly business ecosystem.
Chairman of Ha Giang Provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Van Son inspects progress of someprojects in Bac Me
16:19, 31/05/2024
BHG - Chairman of Ha Giang Provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Van Son inspected the progress of a number of investment projects in Bac Me Districton the morning of May 30. He was accompanied by leaders of a number of departments and sectors as well as Bac Me District.
Ha Giang carries out substantive and effective administrative reform
15:24, 27/05/2024
BHG - Ha Giang Province has placed the people at the centre of its administrative reform effort, considering the satisfaction of the people, organisations, and enterprises as a measure of the service quality of state agencies.
Ha Giang sees slight decrease in PCI and increase in PGI index
17:45, 23/05/2024
BHG - The Vietnam Confederation of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) has recently announced the 2023 Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) and Provincial Green Index (PGI) of provinces and cities nationwide.
Forest carbon credits - opportunities and challenges for the forestry industry
07:55, 16/05/2024
BHG - Carbon credits are the general term for tradable credits or licenses that represent 1 tonne of carbon dioxide (CO2) or the mass of another greenhouse gas equivalent to 1 tonne of CO2.
Sustainably upgrading PAPI index
16:39, 15/05/2024
BHG - The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Vietnam announced the 2023 Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI) of 63 provinces and cities nationwide in early April. Accordingly, the PAPI index of Ha Giang Province reached 44.24 points, marking an increase of 3.1 points and 29 places compared to 2022 index. This great stride brought Ha Giang to 11th place in the ranking of 63 provinces and cities, listing in the group of 15 localities with the highest scores in the country.
Chairman of Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Van Son inspects investment projects in Ha Giang City
08:35, 02/05/2024
BHG - Recently, Nguyen Van Son, Deputy Secretary of the Ha Giang Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, paid working visits to inspect the progress of several projects in Ha Giang City.