Vietnam, Ha Giang
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Quan Ba ​​preserves the art of creating beeswax patterns on fabric Quan Ba ​​preserves the art of creating beeswax patterns on fabric
BHG - Can Ty Commune and Lung Tam Commune in Quan Ba ​​District are home to a large population of Mong ethnic people. For generations, local people have preserved their traditions from daily life in production.
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Utilising cultural values to promote tourism development
16:11, 13/09/2024
BHG - Preserving and utilising cultural values ​​to develop the tourism industry under the motto of "Utilising culture to develop tourism, utilising tourism to preserve and develop culture" is the direction that Ha Giang Province has followed in order to turn tourism into spearhead economic sector and position the Ha Giang tourism brand on the tourism maps of Vietnam and the world.
Ha Giang honoured as “Asia’s Leading Regional Cultural Destination 2024”
14:32, 04/09/2024
BHG - The World Travel Awards 2024 (WTA) Asia and Oceania took place in Manila, the Philippines on the evening of September 3. Vice Chairman of Ha Giang Provincial People’s Committee Tran Duc Quy and leaders of the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Provincial People’s Committee Office, and the Provincial Tourism Association attended the ceremony.
La Chi People in Ban Diu Commune make efforts to preserve traditional culture
08:39, 02/09/2024
BHG - Alongside eliminating outdated customs and building a civilized lifestyle, the preservation of traditional culture is always a priority for the La Chi ethnic minority people community in Ban Diu Commune (Xin Man Distric). These efforts have been contributing to creating a healthy living environment, revitalising cultural values to promote socio-economic development, and fostering national unity in the locality.
To make Ha Giang beautiful in the eyes of tourists
14:18, 26/08/2024
BHG - In recent years, Ha Giang has been recognised as an unmissable destination on Vietnam's tourism map. Its majestic and pristine landscapes, beautiful nature, and fresh climate act as a "magnet" that draws tourists to Ha Giang. Therefore, protecting the natural landscape is a crucial factor in attracting tourists and developing a sustainable tourism industry.
Efforts to make the sound of “Khen” (flute) resonate
09:01, 22/08/2024
BHG - As a member of the Mong ethnic minority group who was born and raised in the border district of Xin Man, Sung Minh Thanh a has a deep connection to the familiar sound of the Mong people’s flute, known as the “khen”. With a love and passion for this traditional instrument that has been nurtured by the teachings of his ancestors and family, along with a natural eagerness to learn, Thanh has continuously honed his skills in playing the “khen”. He discovered a deep passion and a desire to inspire the younger generation within his community towards spreading the love for the sound of the Mong people’s “khen”.
Unique traditional dance of Lo Lo ethnic group
13:54, 20/08/2024
BHG - Lo Lo Chai Village is located at the foot of Rong (Dragon) Mountain, Lung Cu Commune, Dong Van District. This is where the Mong and Lo Lo ethnic groups have lived for generations. They have worked together, lived in harmony and stuck to the windy and foggy frontier land. As a destination for tourists when going to the stone plateau or visiting the National Flagpole, the village is always filled with a joyful and friendly atmosphere.
Ha Giang High School for the Gifted welcomes Fulbright English teaching assistant
16:18, 18/08/2024
BHG - The Ha Giang High School for the Gifted was selected as one of 21 schools, colleges, and universities in Vietnam to join the US Department of State’s Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) Programme in the 2024-2025 academic year, as announced by the leaders of the school on August 16.
‘Da’ cake: A savoury dish of Ha Giang Province
08:08, 13/08/2024
BHG - Ha Giang is known for many delicious dishes, such as ‘men men’ (steamed corn flour), ‘thang co’ (hot pot with a mixture of horse meat and internal organs), ‘banh chunggu’ (hunchback glutinous rice cake), and Shan Tuyet tea. Many of them have won the hearts of visitors, and receive positive reviews on TikTok, thanks to their savoury taste. One of them is ‘da’ (rock) cake.
Tile roofs, earthen houses - parts of the soul of the Karst Plateau
08:26, 06/08/2024
BHG - Starting from the Mong ethnic cultural village of Pa Vi Ha in Pa Vi Commune (Meo Vac District), we visited places that still preserve the ancient houses on the Ha Giang Karst Plateau. From Meo Vac to Dong Van, Yen Minh, and Quan Ba, it is difficult to admire a Mong village with ‘trinhtuong’ (earthen) houses that have been built traditionally without integrating modern materials.
Ly Mi Cuong wins first prize at youth music festival in China
15:26, 30/07/2024
BHG - The Qingyin Award – Youth Music Festival 2024 was recently held in China. Ly Mi Cuong, a contestant from Vietnam’s Ha Giang Province was named among the contest winners.
Majestic beauty of Dong Van Plateau
08:11, 23/07/2024
BHG - Dong Van is the northernmost border district of the country, where up to 87% of the population are Hmong people. Dong Van's terrain is severely fragmented, due to rugged rocks and steep hills, along with the harsh weather conditions, making this a locality facing numerous difficulties in all respects. Thanks to their internal strength, the Party Committee of Dong Van District has led the local ethnic groups to successfully implement policies for eradicating hunger, reducing poverty, building infrastructure, leveraging tourism strengths, and maintaining national border sovereignty. As a result, the District has been honoured by the Party and State, with the “Hero of Labour in the renovation period” title.
Tay woman works to preserve the craft of making traditional costumes
07:23, 16/07/2024
BHG - The preservation of traditional costumes is highly valued by the locals of Phuong Do Commune in Ha Giang City, where the majority of population are Tay ethnic people. Prominent among them is Nguyen Thi Dung, a Tay ethnic woman who has more than 20 years of experience in making traditional costumes.
ThaVillage recognisedas 'Typical Cultural and Tourism Village' associated with the OCOP programme
10:35, 27/06/2024
BHG - The People's Committee of Phuong Do Commune, Ha GiangCity, has just announced the Decision of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee on re-recognisingTha village as a 'Typical Cultural and Tourism Village', associated with the One Commune One Product (OCOP) Programme.
H’mong Village honoured as Outstanding Cultural Enterprise in integration period
10:53, 26/06/2024
BHG - The Vietnam Federation of UNESCO Associations (VFUA) held a forum in Hanoi, on June 23 to promote the study and following of Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle, in building corporate culture in the integration period.