Vietnam, Ha Giang
English | Tiếng Việt

Provincial Police reduces 71 administrative procedures

10:00, 04/09/2024

BHG - The Ha Giang Provincial Police have recently reduced processing time under their authority for 71 administrative procedures.

Ha Giang District Police reduce the time for issuing Citizen Identification Cards.
Ha Giang District Police reduce the time for issuing Citizen Identification Cards.

Through the process of reviewing, amending and adjusting, the Provincial Police have implemented a reduction of processing time for 9 areas, and 71 administrative procedures. At the provincial level, 5 areas and 43 administrative procedures were reduced; at the district level, 6 areas and 17 administrative procedures; at the commune level, 3 areas and 11 administrative procedures. The reduced areas include Immigration management; management, of conditional business lines related to security and order; seals; management of weapons, explosives, support tools and fireworks; registration, management of road motor vehicles; issuance, and management of citizen identification cards; settlement of complaints and denunciations; fire prevention and fighting; registration, management of the residence. According to the decision to reduce, the administrative procedure with the highest time reduction is 90%, and the procedure with the lowest time reduction is 6.6%.

The reduction in time for handling administrative procedures of the Provincial Police will contribute to improving the quality of administrative reform, reducing costs and creating favourable conditions for agencies, organisations and individuals. In the coming time, the Provincial Police will continue to resolutely direct its affiliated units to continue to step up review, promptly propose to abolish, avoid overlap and amend administrative procedures in a simple, easy-to-implement and economical manner.